
US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate for Tuesday

US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate for Tuesday

The US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate on Tuesday recorded LE15.61 for purchase and LE15.71 for sale as the…
US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rates for Monday

US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rates for Monday

The US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate on Monday recorded a high of LE15.61 for purchase and LE15.71 for…
US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate for Thursday

US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate for Thursday

The US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate on Thursday recorded a high of LE15.62 for purchase and LE15.72 for…
US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rates for Tuesday

US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rates for Tuesday

The US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate on Tuesday recorded a low of LE15.62 for purchase and LE15.72 for…
US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate for Thursday

US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate for Thursday

The US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate on Thursday recorded a low of LE15.64 for purchase and LE15.74 for…
Will Lebanese banks crash Middle East finances?
Middle East

Will Lebanese banks crash Middle East finances?

Lebanon has been known as “the Switzerland of the Middle East” for decades because of its strict banking secrecy laws.…
US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rates for Thursday

US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rates for Thursday

The US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate on Monday recorded a low of LE15.69 for purchase and LE15.79 for…
National Bank of Egypt’s foreign currency exchange rates for Wednesday

National Bank of Egypt’s foreign currency exchange rates for Wednesday

Wednesday’s exchange rates for foreign currencies at the National Bank of Egypt are as follows: The euro is LE 18.54…
National Bank of Egypt’s foreign currency exchange rates for Tuesday

National Bank of Egypt’s foreign currency exchange rates for Tuesday

Tuesday’s exchange rates for foreign currencies at the National Bank of Egypt are as follows: The US dollar is LE15.66…
US Dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate for Monday

US Dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate for Monday

The US dollar to Egyptian pound exchange rate on Monday recorded a low of LE15.63 for purchase and LE15.73 for…
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