
Parents, teachers battle snakes in Helwan school

Parents, teachers battle snakes in Helwan school

Last April, primary-level students at an Egyptian state school were panic-stricken when they saw a snake crawling into their classroom.…
Why children living in certain rural areas don’t easily get sick
Health & Fitness

Why children living in certain rural areas don’t easily get sick

Children who grow up on traditional Amish farms in the US are largely protected from asthma because their immune systems…
Families tell police Daqahlia ‘child marriage’ was based on Urfi contract

Families tell police Daqahlia ‘child marriage’ was based on Urfi contract

Police in the town of Belqas, Daqahlia, has summoned the members of two local families for questioning in connection with…
Rights groups condemn Dakahlia child marriage, push for legal action

Rights groups condemn Dakahlia child marriage, push for legal action

Several groups defending child rights have condemned the marriage of a 12-year-old to a ten-year-old in Al-Maasara village, Dakahlia governorate…
Reducing children’s exposure to violence – virtual and real
Health & Fitness

Reducing children’s exposure to violence – virtual and real

Pediatricians, parents, industry and policymakers need to join forces to limit children's exposure to virtual and real violence, according to…
Study suggests mothers of young children should cut down on screen time
Health & Fitness

Study suggests mothers of young children should cut down on screen time

Australian researchers are encouraging mothers of young children to avoid all forms of screen-based activity (tablets, smartphones, etc.) in order to…
UNICEF Egypt launches Ramadan campaign against child abuse

UNICEF Egypt launches Ramadan campaign against child abuse

UNICEF Egypt has launched a Ramadan campaign aimed at reducing physical and psychologial abuse of children in Egypt.The "Calm not…
Eating fruit during pregnancy linked to higher IQ in children
Health & Fitness

Eating fruit during pregnancy linked to higher IQ in children

A Canadian study, published in the journal EbioMedicine, has found that women who ate more fruit during pregnancy had children…
Excess weight gain in pregnancy leads to excess weight gain in children: study
Health & Fitness

Excess weight gain in pregnancy leads to excess weight gain in children: study

A new large-scale study published on Friday study has shown that excess weight gain or high blood sugar levels during…
Children who walk and move earlier benefit from stronger bones in later life
Health & Fitness

Children who walk and move earlier benefit from stronger bones in later life

A new UK study has found that children who start to walk, run, and jump earlier are more likely to…
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